Pets are considered to be family. Additionally, they require healthcare just like the rest of your family members do. Pet insurance can be expensive, but you might be glad to have it if your best pal gets seriously sick or injured. And some insurance providers have begun offering pet insurance coverage in India to meet this rather modern requirement. Pet insurance is starting to take off in India, but cattle insurance has been available for some time.
What Is Insurance For Pets?*
Like all insurance, pet health insurance reduces risk by providing coverage for unanticipated costs incurred in connection with pets. Pet insurance covers all these costs, from veterinarian fees for treatment/accidents-in-transit to the loss or theft of pets and pets passing away. Additionally, it protects against the risk of third-party obligations if harm is done to others.
Which Animals Are Protected By Pet Insurance?*
Dog, cat, bird, sheep, goat, horse, rabbit, and elephant insurance is offered in India. Depending on the firm, the list may change. Some businesses offer insurance exclusively for a certain breed of animal. a business that offers dog insurance, as an illustration.
What Steps Are Involved In Purchasing Insurance?
There is an upper age limit for purchasing pet insurance, just like any other insurance plan. For instance, the age range for purchasing insurance for canines and felines is eight weeks to eight years. It lasts two to ten years for cows and one to seven years for goats and sheep.
To identify a pet while purchasing insurance, you could be required to present a veterinary certificate. Declaring the pet’s breed, age, colour, sex, and other characteristics is part of this process.
What Size Insurance Premium Should Be Ideal?
The general rule is to begin early, when the prevalence of pre-existing conditions is minimal, to reduce the amount of the premium for any insurance policy.
You need to be aware of the plan’s IRDAI approval status, the sum assured, and the capping for particular risks, among other things. Verify whether the risk of third-party obligations is covered. Check the list of diseases covered and the inclusions and exclusions related to them. Most insurance providers may not cover illnesses or injuries brought on by improper handling or poor pet care, or pre-existing conditions. Pet theft or loss resulting from events like war or military attacks is also not covered. Rabies, Hepatitis, Enteritis, and Leptospirosis demises are frequently excluded from pet insurance coverage.
Pet insurance is undoubtedly a wise investment if you have a deep affection for your furry friends and consider them an integral part of your family.
Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under pet insurance policy .
Standard T&C Apply
Visit the official website of IRDAI for further details.
Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.